Walderslade Primary School Governance
The Governing Body is an integral part of the school team. Working in close collaboration with the Head Teacher, governors are responsible for providing strategic leadership and accountability for school finance; setting the vision, ethos, aims and objectives of the school.
Governors hold the main responsibility for school finance; setting the budget and working with the Head Teacher to make resourcing decisions.
Governors monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards its objectives.
Governors have particular responsibility to safeguard all children at Walderslade Primary School.
The Governing Body is made up of:
· The Head Teacher
· One Staff Governor elected by staff
· Three Co-opted Governors, appointed by the Governing body from the Local Community
· Two Parent Governors elected by parents of children attending the school
· One Associated Governor
All governors sign, and are bound by, a code of conduct. They agree to undertake relevant training to develop them within their role. Governors are required to complete a register of interests which can be seen on the Governing body website page.
The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets six times a year and receives detailed reports from the Head Teacher and other members of the Senior Leadership Team. Along with monitoring visits, this enables governors to develop a deep and accurate understanding of the school and to carry out the accountability, support and challenge roles effectively. We also meet in separate committees to monitor finance and health and safety.
All meetings are formally minuted by the Clerk to the Governors. You can see the attendance record of governors on the Governing Body page.
Contact details:
Chair of Governors via main school office or email: